Hill Country Health & Wellness Center
Creating innovative healthcare facilities that serve diverse populations in rural communities that secures proper funding is always a challenge. Trilogy was chosen because of our innovative design processes and approaches, delivering far more for our clients through our creativity, rather than simply throwing money at the problem. A 12,000 square foot addition was required to augment the existing clinic. We were able to add a multitude of new facilities to support the mission of integrated health service in this addition including: a new wellness center, a library, commercial kitchen, new classrooms, a kids play area, and a great room for community activities. The goals of the project were to support healthy individuals, a healthy community and a healthier planet. With an inspired design and LEED certification all goals were more than met – Hill Country is thriving.

Trilogy was selected because of our expertise and commitment to sustainability and innovative design. The resulting structure was awarded LEED Gold; the first such project in Northern California.

The Challenge
It was essential that the design of this project incorporated innovative thinking that supports their full service healthcare philosophy. We needed to carefully orchestrate the stages of construction to allow the primary building to remain open for the duration of the build. The innovation and processes employed on this project was so successful that The California Healthcare Foundation has featured it as a case study.
Sustainability Features
Certified Gold under LEED for New Construction 2009
Photovoltaic system provides over 30% of total energy needs
Client: Hill Country
Size: 14,000 square feet
Cost: $4.5 million
Location: Round Mountain, California
Date completed: 2009
Photography ©2015 Ramsay Photography
Photography ©2014 Brent Van Auken