Center of Hope - Hill Country
This facility is designed to excel at “hotspotting”, a movement in healthcare that is a new system of multi-disciplinary, coordinated care that treats the whole patient and attends to the non-medical needs that affect all around health including: housing, mental health, substance abuse, emotional support. In addition to basic preventative care, the Center of Hope will house several programs that provide extra support to those with complex health and social needs. Effectively this new facility will be one-stop-shopping for healthcare outliers and the most vulnerable of patients.
Building on our other project’s reputation (Round Mountain Hill Country) for quality care delivered with kindness, the Center of Hope will be a comprehensive place of wellness offering healthcare, mental health, addiction treatment and dental services, along with supported housing for youth transitioning out of homelessness. As the name implies it will be more than a medical facility – a hub of restored health and hope.

The Challenge
Combining several different facilities into one super-complex that serves a diverse population with diverse needs. Creating spaces that preserve dignity and provide opportunities for inspiration, healing and thriving.
At A Glance
16 residential units for youth transitioning out of homelessness
14 dental exam suites
16 medical exam suites
65 new, living-wage jobs for Shasta County
9,100 patients served per year
Wellness Center
Computer Lab
Art/Science Maker Space
Vocational training
Education and support groups
Client: Hill Country
Size: 40,000 square feet
Location: Redding, California
Completed: (in progress)